Tisch des Weines oberhalb des Wasserhäuschens

Tisch des Weines am Wasserhäuschen Ober-Ingelheim

The panoramic view will delight everyone! Above the castle church in the middle of the vineyards there is a wine table at the water house. With its fantastic panoramic view of the Westerberg, the Rhine Valley and the Rheingau, this is an ideal place to enjoy and relax or to take a break during a hike or cycle tour.

Tisch des Weines oberhalb des Wasserhäuschens
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Opening hours

11.11.2024 to 31.12.2025

show on map

Contact details:

Tourist-Information Ingelheim

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation@ikum-ingelheim.de
Internet: https://ingelheim-erleben.de

Contact details:

Tourist-Information Ingelheim

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation@ikum-ingelheim.de
Internet: https://ingelheim-erleben.de