IkUM invites you to a ‘mulled wine aperitif’ at the wine cellar for the first time

This year, the popular after-work series ‘Apéro - swap desk for wine table’ is not taking a break in winter either. After the aperitif series in spring and the autumn Federweißer aperitif, Ingelheimer Kultur und Marketing GmbH (IkUM) invites you to a ‘mulled wine aperitif’ for the first time on Tuesday, 26 November, 6 to 9 pm. In the atmospheric setting of the Ingelheim Winzerkeller, guests can round off the day with a glass of Ingelheim mulled wine in a pre-Christmas atmosphere. Selected red and white wines from Ingelheim will also be…

App Natural Heritage Island Rhine

For the first time in Rhineland-Palatinate, there is a free app that informs nature lovers about a protected area. The ‘Naturerbe Inselrhein’ app contains lots of information about the Rhine floodplains between Mainz and Bingen with interactive maps, observation tips and interesting facts about habitats, animals and plants. Simply download it from the AppStore or Google Play and get active in nature!

Live music in the open air: summer highlight ‘Thursdays in the city centre’ starts again

Fun and good humour in the open air - that's what the Ingelheim summer highlight ‘Thursdays in the City’ offers, which is taking place in Ingelheim for the twelfth time this year. The popular series starts on Thursday 8 August on Sebastian-Münster-Platz. Until 29 August, there will be live music every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. with changing bands covering a broad musical spectrum. Ingelheimer Kultur und Marketing GmbH (IkUM) offers an attractive children's programme especially for youngsters from 3 p.m. on each day of the event. And all…

Ober-Ingelheim resident secures the crown at the Ingelheim anniversary harbour festival

Philipp Weitzel is the new ‘Father Rhine’

It was a thrilling duel between Philipp (Pippo) Weitzel and Tristan Heddersheimer alias ‘Bäumchen’. On and in front of the main stage at the Ingelheim harbour festival, the two candidates competed for the title of ‘Father Rhine’ in a thrilling contest. Frenetically cheered on by their fan clubs from the respective vintages, the candidates gave it their all - whether it was uncorking eleven bottles of red wine that were ready and waiting, competing in a cheerful sliding glass race or listing terms relating to the harbour festival. Andreas…

Ingelheim wine shop has ‘inclusive wine’ in its range

The Ingelheim vinotheque has recently added an ‘inclusion wine’ to its range. The wine called ‘Das Blaue Schaf’ (The Blue Sheep), which is available as a red and white wine, comes from winemaker Kristian Dautermann, who has been campaigning for integration and inclusion for years.

Booking via Tourist-Information Ingelheim

New Ingelheim picnic rucksack now available

Hiking, feasting and savouring - you can now do all of this with the new "Ingelheim picnic rucksack". The new offer from the tourist information centre of Ingelheim Kultur und Marketing GmbH (IkUM) invites you to combine enjoyment and nature experiences. On a hike through the Ingelheim wine landscape, you can find your personal favourite spot for a culinary break in the midst of nature. Or make yourself comfortable on the grounds of the Winzerkeller in its own vineyard or on the meadow. The picnic rucksack is lovingly packed and fully…

Lighthouse project: Ingelheim spring wine festival receives ‘Rheinhessen AUSGEZEICHNET’ seal of quality

Ingelheimer Kultur und Marketing GmbH (IkUM) is proud to have received another important award: the spring wine festival organised by IkUM now bears the ‘Rheinhessen AUSGEZEICHNET’ seal of quality. The award in the ‘Wine Festival’ category has been presented by Rheinhessenwein e.V. since 2014. So far, 17 wine festivals have been honoured, three of them in Ingelheim. At the start of this year's spring wine festival, Rheinhessen wine princess Lena Göth presented the certificate to IkUM Managing Director Matthias Becker and Mayor Eveline Breyer,…

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Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)ikum-ingelheim.de
Internet: www.ingelheim-erleben.de

Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)ikum-ingelheim.de
Internet: www.ingelheim-erleben.de