Public guided tour: Nature History(s) 2023

on 26.07.2025 at 15:00 o'clock

Ingelheim owes the addition ‘on the Rhine’ to this interesting district. We take you to two pretty churches, to the station of the Selztal railway known as the ‘Zuckerlottchen’ and to the lovingly restored fisherman's cottage.

Get to know Frei-Weinheim as a leisure paradise: in the beer garden on the beautifully designed pier you can enjoy the view of the Rheingau.

Meeting point: Stele historical tour Frei-Weinheim
Time: 15.00 hrs
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: €8 per person, children under 10 are free

Pre-registration requested under: Hartmut Geißler, Mobil: 0171 6537492. Spontaneous participation is possible!

Gustav-Adolf-Kirche Frei-Weinheim
Das Forsthaus Frei-Weinheim
Der Schaurersche Holzhof

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Dates for this event

  • On 26.07.2025 at 15:00 o'clock


Contact details

Herrn Hartmut Geißler
Herrn Hartmut Geißler
Wilhelm-von-Erlanger-Straße 14
55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel.: (0049) 171 6537492

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