Guest rooms and holiday apartments wanted for placement

The city of Ingelheim is a popular travel destination, and not just during the red wine festival. The number of guests discovering Ingelheim as an exciting tourist destination is increasing.

After all, the red wine city doesn't just score points with its rich cultural heritage. High-quality cultural events, wine adventure tours and city festivals also attract many guests. In addition, Ingelheim is an ideal starting point for cycling tours or hikes through the Rhine-Hesse hill country. The increasing attractiveness of the red wine town means that the tourist information office in the Ingelheimer Winzerkeller is receiving more and more inquiries about accommodation. But the number of rooms and holiday apartments is limited. Therefore, other providers are now being sought - be they wineries, hotels, guesthouses or private room rentals.

“We need additional capacity,” says Kathrin Saaler, head of the tourist information center. The city of Ingelheim has a lot to offer culturally and historically and is firmly established as a wine experience region. Unfortunately, there is a lack of accommodation to meet the increasing tourist demand. Not only are capacities completely exhausted during the red wine festival, but in the period between Easter and October it becomes increasingly difficult to cover demand. Hence the appeal to potential landlords to contact the tourist information (email:, telephone: 06132-710 009 200) if they need a guest room - permanently or even temporarily or would like to provide a holiday apartment. There is a particular need in the new districts of Heidesheim (with Heidenfahrt) and Wackernheim, but additional offers are also being sought in Großwinternheim, Frei-Weinheim or Sporkenheim.

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Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)

Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)