Monument Aula Regia - former throne room
Monument Aula Regia - former throne room 1
Monument Aula Regia - former throne room 2
Guided tour of the Imperial Palace
Monument Aula Regia - former throne room 3
Digitale Rekonstruktion Aula regia

The Aula regia, the throne hall of the Ingelheim imperial palace, was built at the end of the 8th century and is part of the founding building under Karl the great (747 / 48−814). The throne hall was the most important public building and served as a representative meeting place. This shows also on the basis of their high-quality building equipment, the remains of which were found during archaeological excavations. Parts of the from antiquity Inspired building jewelry, including fragments of the wall paintings and the precious decorative floor, can be found in the museum near the Kaiserpfalz can be visited. In the floor plan of the Aula regia, one can also see Charlemagne's recourse to architectural forms from Roman antiquity. The throne Halle was 40.5 meters long, 16.5 meters wide and is today the most completely preserved building in the Carolingian palace complex.

In the monument area there is the main presentation "Palatinate of the Carolingians": An information area on the visitors' stand at the north end the Aula regia explains the history of the Carolingians and their Ingelheimers with the help of text and picture boards as well as a multimedia presentation Palatinate. Through a "historical telescope", visitors can take a look into the reconstructed past of the Aula regia. There are also in showcases Archaeological finds recovered during the excavations in the throne hall are on display.