Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Bechtheimer Rosengarten (Rose Garden of Bechtheim)

Whether wild rose or rose garden – today it is a vineyard

Such a simple term, yet so many possible interpretations! It could refer to natural growth of wild roses. Those often grow in Rheinhessen and their rose hips shine in autumn. It could also have been early medieval burial grounds, a very vague interpretation. In Bechtheim, people say that the then sovereign and local lord, the Count of Leiningen, maintained a "Roßgarten” (Engl.: horse garden") there. It belonged to the farmstead in the centre of the village. The vineyard was first mentioned in documents around 1500 with the name "ym roß garten". The predominant soil types here are loess loam and limestone. The wines are rich in fruit aromas, concentrated and long-lasting on the palate.

> Discover the other sites in Bechtheim: Geyersberg, Hasensprung, Stein
> Various hiking trails run through Bechtheim and its vineyards: Rheinterrassenweg, Lutherweg, Pilgerweg Ortsschleife Bechtheim and the village's own wine trail with old agricultural equipment. 

Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten
Bechtheimer Rosengarten

facts and figures

wine-growing area: 76 hectares Community: Bechtheim Sea level: 140-185 m Exposure: South
collective vineyard site:
single vineyard site:

soil types

Loess / Pararendzina

Wind deposition of calcareous dust in the ice ages

fertile, deep, light loam soil, clayey silt, very good storage capacity for plant-available soil water, adequate aeration, nutrient-rich, calcareous, moderate warmability, good rootability, high growth potential

Yellow-fruity aromas, apple, peach, pear, citrus, delicately fruity, slim, refreshing, gentle acidity, medium-strong structure, juicy elegant, drinkable early, tasty charm, uncomplicated complexity, fruity, cheerful expression

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Sand / regosol

Sand regosol

Coastal sands, gravel and pebbles; tertiary marine deposits

Deep, gravelly, loamy sandy soil, sufficient storage capacity for plant-available soil water, drought stress in dry years, very good aeration, often poor in nutrients, slightly calcareous, good heatability due to high gravel content, limited root space

Opens up early, lively, fruity, slim, elegant. Vivid acidity, green apple, citrus, grapefruit. Drinkable early, more refreshing than mineral and profound.

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Explore the area

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