You can already hear the first birds chirping in the morning and warm spring rays make the days brighter. Spring has finally arrived in Ingelheim! Nature is awakening from its winter slumber and everywhere you look you can see flower buds and the first small leaves stretching out towards the sun's rays. The milder temperatures are tempting us to spend the days actively outside again and enjoy Ingelheim with all our senses.

Smell Ingelheim

You can smell the scents of the first tree and flower blossoms as early as March, before everything is in full bloom in April. Ingelheim is home to a variety of fruit trees, with the tree and cherry blossom taking centre stage. How about opening the open-air season with a hike along the Hiwweltour Westerberg to take in the spring flavours. A dream in spring is a cycle tour along the fruit route, which leads through the numerous orchards of Ingelheim and Rheinhessen. Here you can smell the Ingelheim spring!

Our bad weather tip: smell Ingelheim's wine history at the multimedia wine experience exhibition "Kellergenossen"! As soon as you descend to the second basement of the Ingelheim wine cellar, you can smell the scent of the wine cellar and a station with aromatic flavours brings the history of wine to life.

Taste Ingelheim

With a wide variety of regional products, the Ingelheim spring is a real treat for the palate. From April, the king of vegetables, asparagus, can be enjoyed in all variations in our restaurants and can be bought everywhere for those who prefer to cook their own food. The new wines from our winegrowers from the 2023 vintage are particularly tasty and can also be enjoyed from April at the start of the wine festival season in Ingelheim. And don't forget our strawberries. With their bright red colour and unique flavour, they enchant every palate. From the end of April/beginning of May, they can be bought fresh from the field in numerous wooden huts by the roadside.

Our bad weather tip: savour the top Ingelheim wines at a wine tasting in the Ingelheim Vinothek. There is also a sparkling wine tasting for all those who want to experience Ingelheim in a sparkling way.

Listen to Ingelheim

Our nature reserve on the banks of the Rhine is a paradise for native birds. With the first rays of spring, you can hear the birds chirping lively and life returning to Ingelheim. The soothing rippling of the Rhine rounds off the relaxing audio play. A walk along the Rheinauenerlebnispfad is a wonderful way to listen to this natural spectacle. You can also hear the first motorboats or rowers on the Rhine taking advantage of the first rays of spring to pursue their hobbies. When you hear the sound of motorbikes in the city, you know that the bikers are going on their first tour. The numerous music bands at the many wine festivals in Ingelheim also offer acoustic delights.

Our bad weather tip: visit a cultural event in the "kING" culture and congress centre.

See Ingelheim

In the Ingelheim spring, our wine-growing landscape shows its most beautiful side. The lush green of nature, yellow flowering dandelions in the vineyards, yellow rape fields in the surrounding area and red poppies along the roadside give the landscape unique splashes of colour. Once again this year, the high-calibre art exhibition "Internationale Tage Ingelheim" with the theme "HOME SWEET HOME - Zuhause sein von 1900 bis heute" at the Kunstforum Ingelheim - Altes Rathaus is a cultural feast for the eyes.

Our bad weather tip: experience the history of Ingelheim's Imperial Palace visually with the digital computer animation in the Museum bei der Kaiserpfalz combined with a visit to the museum.

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Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)

Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)